Recent news
Partner project meeting in Trondheim - Silent timber
April 2016
A meeting on the Silen Timber project, also member of the Wood Wisdom network was organised in Trondheim, Norway. Meetings were held with the project partners and the ongoing actions of the HCLTP project were presented. An excursion was organised to a construction site with several eight story timber buildings as well as to other interesting multi-storey timber buildings. Acoustic details were presented and explained on site.

Using less timber for the same effect
February 2016
Numerical calculation shows that up to 50% less timber could be consumed for the same resistance using the new ribbed cross laminated timber plates compared to conventional CLT. The new elements will not have substantially higher production cost, yet still keep the benefits of CLT on one hand and be less intrusive to the forrests on the other.
Project meeting No. 5 in Ljubljana
January 2016
A meeting of all project partners took place in Ljubljana on the 27th January 2016. Partners have discussed the current work on the project. Namely, a new partner for the production line development has joined the consortium, results of the small scale rib-plate samples were discussed, the production line concept was put on the table, and the forthcoming tasks to be performed on the project were assessed. The meeting was ended with a demonstration test of two small-scale samples of rib-plates. Shear pushout tests were performed on different rib-gluing boundary conditions.

Experimental testing - small specimens
January 2016
The first part of small specimen testing at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty has finished. A total of 27 specimens with different lamela and rib dimensions and properties have been tested. The importance of side gluing has been demonstrated; something that code-based finite element models fail to show. Namely, providing sufficient stability and strength of narrow ribs is very problematic even in such small specimens. However such narrow ribs provide the most effective load-bearing properties of new timber-rib elements. The new production line desing will have this sort of element assembly and pressing included.
The next step of small scale experimental testing will include timber-concrete specimens connected with different types of affordable metal connectors. The production of specimens is surrently underway.

Partner project meeting in Zürich - Silent timber
October 2015
A meeting on the Silent Timber project, also member of the Wood Wisdom network was organised in Zürich, Switzerland. The cooperation between the HCLTP and the Silent Timber project was strengthened further and common fields of interest were discussed.

Project meeting No. 4 in Ybbs & Stuttgart
October 2015
Two smaller meetings were held in October. On the 1st October UL, CBD and Storaenso met in Ybbs at the production plant of Storaenso. On 9th October UL, CBD and MPA met in Stuttgart. The test specimen geometries were narrowed down further.
Prototype samples
August 2015
The finite element modelling of the ribbed plates is coming to the final conclusions. A test sample was made to investigate the possibility of such element production on a small scale before the full set of specimens for experimental testing is produced.

Project dissemination at the Silent timber Build seminar
April 2015
The HCLTP project and its current investigations will be presented at the Silent Timber Build seminar in Stockholm on the 29th April.
Project meeting No. 3 in Vienna
March 2015
The third meeting will be held at the Technical University of Vienna on the 5th May 2015.

Project meeting No. 2 in Ljubljana
November 2014
The second meeting took place at the university of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil and Geodetic engineering. The University hosted project partners for two days, the 4th and 5th November 2014. All the partners have now received their grants and have started working on the project tasks.
The fruitful meeting resulted in upgraded plans of the timber-concrete composites. A decision was made to also invest resources in investigating acoustic properties of the new types of panels.

Project kick off meeting is Stuttgart
June 2014
MPA Otto Graf institute hosted the kick off meeting of the project on the 1st June 2014. As all the partners have not yet received their grants work on the project will be rescheduled to accomodate a new timeline.

Prototype element production in Slovenia
March 2016
The production of prototype elements is starting. Ledinek d.o.o., a partner in the project has modified their X-press system to enable pressing of the wide range of geometry setups intended for experimental testing. 36 samples will be tested in 4-point bending, 3 samples of walls on buckling as well as 3 setups with an additional concrete layer bonded to timber in different manners. Acoustic testing is planned as well. Mechanical testing will take place at the MPA Otto Graf institute in Stuttgart, who is a partner in the project, as well as at Slovenia's national building institute. The timber specimen production will be finished in the first week of April when the mechanical experimental testing will begin.
We would like to acknowledge the company KLP for providing us the pneumatic glue applicator free of charge.

Project meeting No. 6 and prototype element testing in Stuttgart
June 2016
The meeting of all project partners took place at MPA Otto Graf institute on the 10th June 2016. On the same day the mechanical testing of the large scale timbe ribed specimens had begun. Alltogether 39 specimens of various cross sections and spans will be tested for 4-point bending and 3 wall specimens will be tested for buckling.

Production of timber-concrete specimens
July 2016
the production of the final concrete layers of the timber-concrete specimens has begun at the Slovenian national building institute (ZAG). Concrete will now settle for 28 days upon which 4-point bending tests will be performed on 4 specimens with different concrete-timber connections and different spans.

Presentation of the HCLTP project results at the WCTE 2016
August 2016
The HCLTP project results were presented at the World conference of timber engineering in Vienna on the 25th August 2016. The paper published in the proceedings is available for download.
Presentation of all Slovenian Wood Wisdom projects
Septembr 2016
The HCLTP project was presented at the meeting of all Slovenian Wood Wisdom funded projects. The audience reached from academic wood experts to economy and ministry representatives. More information on the even is available here.

HCLTP at the International Holzbauforum in Garmisch Partenkirchen
October 2016
The HCLTP project results and outcomes will be presented at the International holzbauforum being held in Garmisch Partenkirchen from 7. - 9. th December. The paper is titled "Less is more - optimised ribbed CLTs - the future". Stay tuned for more information.
Testing of timber-concrete specimens
October 2016
Four timber-concrete specimens were tested for bending at Slovenia's national building institute (ZAG). Two with a notched timber-concrete connection and two with a nailed-plate connection. Especially the latter were performing very well, exhibiting a high stiffness and strength.

Project presentation at the Buildings of the future conference
October 2016
The HCLTP project was presented at the Buildings of the future conference, organised on the 25th and 26th October 2016. The audience was of a wide variety, both from the academic sector (Universities of Ljubljana Maribor and Primorska) as well as the business sector, involving several CEOs of the larger Karst region companies dealing with smart building components. The paper about HCLTP project results was also published in the conference proceedings.
HCLTP result presentation at IHF 2016
February 2017
A part of the HCLTP project results and outcomes were presented on 8th December at the International Holzbauforum in Garmisch Partenkirchen. Feel free to download the paper titled "Less is more - optimised ribbed CLTs - the future" or watch the video of the presentation.

Partner project meeting in Stuttgart - Silent timber
October 2016
A meeting on the Silen Timber project, also member of the Wood Wisdom network was organised in Stuttgart, Germany at the Frauhofer institute for building physics. The ongoing actions of the HCLTP project were presented. The acoustic laboratory of IBP was presented to the attending partners. It was agreed that the next and final meeting of the Silent timber project will be held in Slovenia at the University of Ljubljana.

Silent Timber Meeting in Ljubljana
March 2017
We were very happy to host the final meting of the partner Wood Wisdom project Silent Timber Build we have cooperated with for the past two years. It was a pleasure having you here and we hope for more fruitful cooperation in the future.